Friday, January 25, 2008

New Pine Hutch Display

Show and Tell Friday is hosted by Kelli at There is No Place Like Home.
In my January 15 post I introduced my Blue and White Teacup Collection which I had just unpacked from being stored for over a year. I promised that I would show it when I had arranged in the pine hutch in the kitchen. Here is a photo of the hutch with its new display:
At the same time I unpacked the cups and saucers I also unpacked all my books on tea – its history, entertaining with tea, etc. I hope to do a post on the books soon.

Well, having to find a place for both books and cups and saucers, I put several books in the pine hutch. Also included are a few accessories. I tried to place things so I could reach a particular piece with some ease. Each day I have been using a different teacup for my hot drink.

The cup and saucer I would like to tell about is in the "Palma" pattern from Alfred Meakin. It is next to the matching plate in the center of the second shelf.

I got the plate first. One day my sister told me by phone that she had gotten an addition to my blue and white dishes. She explained that her boss had come in to work and taken out this pretty blue and white plate. Why? Well he was going to use it as a saucer for the plant in his office. "Oh, no you don’t….I need that for my sister. She collects blue and white things. Let’s find something else for your plant."

In time she brought the plate to me and I really liked it. It is a very modern pattern with a pleasing design. I later ordered the matching cup and saucer from Ross-Simons.
To visit other show and tell posts please go to Kelli’s

[Other pine hutch displays were pictured in posts for October 9 and for December 12 ]

Thanks for your visit to Oak Rise Cottage and do come again soon. Your comment is always welcome.


  1. I LOVE the plate your sister gave you... that is such a gorgeous pattern!
    You have so many books about tea... I'd to see more of them. :)
    Great post... Great collection!

  2. The hutch looks so pretty with the blue and white collection in it! I love blue and white, but have never collected it. I do have two little b&W tea pots, and a b&W shoe. Well, I guess that is a collection, huh?

    Wow, nice collection of tea books! I want to see more too, I have some of the same ones, but I see one I don't have. I love tea books. I haven't been doing many teas lately either.

    Great show and tell!


  3. A very nice display - isn't it fun to take out things you've had packed away and discover them all over again?

  4. A very nice display - isn't it fun to take out things you've had packed away and discover them all over again?

  5. Just gorgeous! What a beautiful hutch, I love the lace and your blue and white collection is wonderful!

  6. I LOVE all your blue & white china. I am a collector of blue and white also. Your collection looks great in the hutch.

  7. I just came across this post while searching for info. on my blue dishes. I have service for 8 of the blue and white dishes you mention (Alfred Meakin "Palma"). I got them on sale 35 years ago and I was wondering if the solid blue pieces are really part of the set or not because they don't have the same markings on the bottom. All of the cups, serving bowls, sugar creamer are navy blue and I was going to sell them to because I have not used them in years, but I'm not sure about if they are really matching. They are willing to buy the printed pieces but I don't see the other solid pieces listed on their list as part of the set. Do you have any more info. you could share? Thanks so much!

  8. Laurie,
    To my best knowledge, the solid color pieces are part of the set. I have found that with some of the vintage china pattern the side plates, cups, and saucers may each be solid or a variant design from the dinner plates. My blue and white Palma even shows pattern variation between the dinner plate and the saucer.
