Friday, January 18, 2008

Bone China & Airport Security

For Kelli's 'Show and Tell Friday' I would like to share the tea set which I bought July 1979 in London, England. The pattern is "Consul" by Spode. It is a simple cream china with a band of cobalt blue and thin gold lines. I got the tea set, four dinner plates and a serving bowl. (I would later order more pieces from the same store.)

At Gered, the store where I bought it, I let them know that I would be travelling by plane with this china. So they packed it very well in a compact box with a carrying handle.

When I arrived at Heathrow Airport I checked in my baggage, but the box of china, of course, was going on the plane with me. At the inspection station, when the inspector asked me to open box, I showed bill of sale from the store, which listed each item. He informed me that I had to open the box for inspection. However, I asked him, "But who is going to pack it up again? I don’t want anything broken."

So there we went, back and forth... the inspector firmly indicating that I had to open the package, and me questioning who would pack it up again. Finally, he decided to let it pass and I went on my way to the gate. Was I ever relieved to escape dismantling the well-done packing and then trying to get the pieces back into the slim box!

Of course, that was long before September 11, 2001, and the subsequent restrictive security measures that passengers have to cope with.

For more Show and Tell visit Kelli at There’s No Place Like Home. Thanks again, for stopping by.


  1. The teaset is beautiful, Carrie! Thank you for sharing the story of bringing it home. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing your tea set and for visiting my blog and commenting on mine. I didn't know about Show & Tell Friday... but I have the perfect thing to post about, so I'm going to join in the fun! Watch for my post in a bit.

  3. Your china is beautiful! We are going to London this summer and I'm so hoping to be able to buy a few pieces of Wedgwood...but I'm hesitant about getting through security!


  4. Your china is beautiful.

  5. What a lovely tea set. A portrait in simplicity! I enjoyed the story too, good for you for standing your ground, and winning, with the inspection agent!! Who says little ole' tea ladies aren't spunky!


  6. What a beautiful, classic set! I can't imagine having to unpack and repack that at the airport, but I guess people would probably have to these days.

  7. what a wonderful set. What great memories you have to go with it. I too brought a tea set back with me from England in 1974. Mine is Royal Albert.

  8. What gorgeous dishes. I saw the Titanic exhibit at the museum in Victoria, BC, Canada and these dishes remind me of the China they used in the dining rooms.

    Perfect show and tell! I've visited many blogs today that have such gorgeous pics of dishes.

    Can't get enough!!

  9. Carrie - what a lovely set. You have such lovely, lovely things. Yep, these days you would probably have been arrested for not allowing them to open the box and I would have learned of your existance through CNN! :0
    Love, Esther

  10. I love that pattern---it has a simple but beautiful feel to the set. I love tea things and tea. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Wow. I love it. Just elegant without being dainty. Substantial. Rich looking.
    Great choice.

  12. What a lovely tea set! So elegant!
    I'm glad you didn't have to unpack everything at the airport!

  13. Love the tea set and boy were you lucky with the security issue!

  14. Beautiful! Thanks for the story, too! Having stories like that to tell make 'things' even more special! :)

  15. lol...cute. Your set is very classy looking, I love it!

  16. What an ordeal! SO good you've got them home all right. They are chic and classic. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Your English china/teaset is beautiful! I love the shape of the teapot --- it looks like it would 'hold' well in your hands and would embrace much tea! The blue band is elegant and pretty! I love that shade of blue.


  18. I love that pattern, so clean looking.
