Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My Holiday Home, Part II

The Bedroom dresser and mirror display a 3’ tree covered in ivory and gilt glass balls and ivory ornaments of angels and nativity figures. Flanking the tree are the Holy Family on the right and the Wise Men on the left.

The lighted garland around the mirror has ribbon, ivory glass balls and angel ornaments.

The Guest Bedroom features a lighted garland around the low four-poster bed, a 3’ tree with musical instrument ornaments and two nativity sets. The set under the tree is Reed & Barton’s silverplate nativity bells with one figure as the handle of each of ten bells. The set on the round side table is a tall handpainted tin set with a whimsical style.

The Study tree is 1.5’ and bears hallmark mini nativity ornaments. The nativity is a stained glass scene.

In the Kitchen the Spode Christmas Tree dishes sets the theme of evergreen trees. To add variety the place settings include Avon Ruby Red Cape Cod dishes.

The breakfast table tree is 1.5’ and displays Hallmark mini angels. The nativity is Hallmark’s Merry Miniatures 5-pc. set.

The hutch displays Spode dishes, and green Bordallo Pinheiro wares, and green Libbey goblets. The fresh arborvitae sprigs were cut on Friday Nov. 30 when I set up the hutch display.


The microwave top displays tree shaped figures, cookie cutters and a tiny gift book.

Finally, in 2005 the Den was converted to a Nativity Scenes Gallery with sets from a bit over 50 countries. I will give an overview of this in another post. Yet another (briefer) post will share my St. Nicholas collection in the study and perhaps the dolls and bears display in the bedroom.

Thank you for stopping at Oak Rise Cottage. I hope you enjoyed your visit and that it revealed a desire to focus on the birth of Christ as the ‘reason for the season.’


  1. All your photographs, part one and part two, are absolutely beautiful! You have such a lovely home...

    Have a great day! :)

  2. Part one and part two are simply beautiful!! Merry Christmas!

  3. Absolutely lovely...what a beautiful and welcoming home!

    xo, Andrea

  4. Oh, my Sweet Carrie! I had to sneak over here on my lunch hour to see all those trees! Your place is OUTSTANDING! Sooo festive. I even love how you have stuff in your hanging garland! And your dining table? Something out of a magazine! What time is Christmas dinner? (Got the package today, my friend - love it - will respond to your email about it in next day or so!)

  5. Love all of your christmas tree and scrolling down to the next post was wonderful.

  6. Thank you for taking me on a tour of your lovely home! Your Christmas decorations are beautiful.

  7. Love the cream color themed table! its lovely happy holidays!

  8. That is a fabulous collection:) Merry Christmas and Blessings - Rachael:)

  9. Carrie, how beautiful! Merry Christmas, and wishing you the true Joy of the season!

  10. Wow Carrie! You have a splendid display of trees and nativity scenes throughtout your house. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Hi Carrie;

    Your home looks all the nativities.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  12. How pretty ! Your home looks beautiful and I am very happy to know I am not the only one that decorates their bedroom for Christmas : )

  13. Thanks so much for inviting me over! I love that you put so much detail in to your decorating. Especially love the nativities and the instruments! Those instruments on the garland are just adorable! Your home is beautiful! Really lovely! (I have ONE of those Spode plates, it says Cookies for Santa on it and we use it every year!)

    Blessings and Merry Christmas to you!

  14. I have thoroughly enjoyed the tour of your beautifully decorated home! The dining room, table setting, etc. is just gorgeous! Is that Lenox Christmas china? My daughter has that and I have always loved it.

    I hope to post my nativity collection on my blog soon.


  15. have alot of Christmas cheer all over your home. Super!

    I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your dining table setting. Can I come over for christmas dinner? wow! So much fun! I love to decorate my table for dinner parties.

    Thanks for sharing your christmas Holiday home.
