Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holiday Thrift Finds Continue

A visit to the community thrift shop on Friday Dec. 7 gave me several items for my various holiday collecting areas. My total was $6.00 plus tax.

One book, the classic Christmas story The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, illustrated by Carol Heyer
An interesting ornament made as a green glass ball with Santa head. A close look reveals shamrocks on his tie, so this is an Irish Santa.
3 vintage glass balls for my tinsel tree
3 musical instrument ornaments
1 tin snowman ornament
2 nativity ornaments for the living room tree
a novelty holiday ceramic picture frame for the bears and dolls display
a ceramic lid with a Christmas tree on top. This fit perfectly on a clear container which needed a lid.
A wood souvenir spoon rack will hold 22 of my spoons from places I’ve visited. The label has a maple leaf and "Seaway Lock. Iroquois, Ont.," so I assume it was made in Canada.
4 wood picture frames
1 3-ring binder

All the above items cost $3.00; an additional $3.00 was for a large Santa cookie jar.

The jar will join the Santa display in the study.

Leaving there I went over to the hospital guild thrift shop. Most of the items cost 10 cents, a few 25 or 50 cents and two items $1. Here are the items:

Two books The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger and Cooking With Claudine (Jacques Pepin’s Kitchen)
2007 Christmas issue Woman’s Day magazine
a nice velveteen and Oriental brocade Christmas stocking
A packet of 18 unused Christmas cards plus envelopes cost 25 cents. Six of them are nativity cards.
four "joy" hanging items
1 vintage glass ball
Several wooden and other ornaments
3 nativity ornaments
4 Santa items
a wood Merry Christmas sign with magnetic strip
2 holiday pins, one a poinsettia, the other a moose head
1 tiny cookie cutter
a stuffed fabric tree

a vintage cardboard nativity stable
a vintage 9" green garland with colored novelty lights in original box from Kmart

The garland lights work so I’ve decided to display it on the table skirt for the silver tinsel tree with its mostly vintage ornaments.

The vintage glass balls, nativity and musical instrument ornaments have been placed on their respective trees; the cookbook is in the mail to another member of the book swap; indeed virtually every item has found its use.

So, the holiday decorating is coming together quite nicely and Karla’s Holiday house tour is tomorrow. I hope you will be sharing what you love about your own holiday home.

Thanks for visiting and reading about my holiday thrift finds.

1 comment:

  1. You found some really great items. I am going this weekend and taking a friend that has never been and I'm so excited. I usually post my thrift finds on Sunday so be sure to stop by.
