Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thoughts on Aging Well

A concern for both women and men is the idea of growing older, and the multifaceted ways this impacts each of us. Here are some ideas on aging gracefully from Dr.
Simple Tips for Aging Well
Fully embracing life can help you to age well. No matter what your current age is, try the following lifestyle strategies to keep your health at its optimum.

- Remain physically active. You will increase and prolong your body's function, strength, endurance, balance and flexibility by following a fitness regimen.
- Make protection paramount. Avoid alcohol (in excess) and cigarettes; wear a helmet when riding your bike; buckle your seat belt; get appropriate vaccinations; and use sunscreen.
- Remain mentally active. Take classes, read books, travel, do crosswords.
- Eat a variety of foods, especially fresh fruit (lots of red and purple berries), dark leafy greens and yellow and orange vegetables. Supplement with a multi-vitamin.
- Make social connections. Expand your circle of friends, make time to volunteer, go to plays or sporting events.
- Be optimistic. Optimism has been shown to improve immune function, lower stress and increase lifespan.
-- DAILY TIP FROM DR. WEIL.COM, 11.13.2003

One of the books on my bedroom bookshelf is this one by Dayle Haddon, Ageless Beauty: A Woman’s Guide to Lifelong Beauty and Well-Being. (Hyperion, 1998)

In it, the author presents informative chapters not only on cosmetic techniques, but also exercise, food, mental health and stress-relieving techniques.
In the Epilogue "I Love the Age I’m Becoming," the author asserts, "I am excited about the future and the possibilities it brings" because of the world of possibilities open to today’s woman.
A significant phrase, "well-being" sums up the ultimate goal of any self-improvement effort.

On my study bookshelves is a Harper-Collins book: Stop Aging Now! The Ultimate Plan for Staying Young & Reversing the Aging Process by Jean Carper. 1995.

The subtitle further reads, "Based on Cutting-Edge Research Revealing the Amazing Antiaging Powers of Supplements, Herbs & Food." This brought to mind the thought that no matter how youthful one may appear, what really matters is how well the years one has lived have fortified the person with skills and knowledge to be a blessing to others.
Indeed, to have a face lighted by an aura of youthfulness is to have it announce that the owner has a continuing interest in the human and humane ideas, and in the beauties of the natural world as well.
We might assume that to age truly well means to acquire, with each passing year, more tender compassion for others, more insight into what it means to share the gifts which God provides for each one of us.
As to the face of a loved one, it is beautiful in the eye of the beholder, who relishes the familiar features because of what the person is (his or her character), as well as who they are (the relationship they share).
My wish is that you each may continue to age gracefully in the most meaningful ways.


  1. I figure that my face tells my story... I don't care about aging... Love Dr. Weil, though!

  2. Hello,
    I haven't heard of the first book, although I recognise the face on the cover.
    I have heard about the second at a seminar with Victoria Moran, she highly recommends it. Victoria herself has published a lovely book, Younger By The Day.You may also check her website at
    I think you will like it alot. Another book that I love, is The Art of Growing Up by Veronique Vienne. I offered it to myself as a gift on my 30th birthday. Very aesthetically pleasing, too.

    Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Your encouraging words are balsam to my heart.

    Have a lovely week end ahead.

  3. I am 54....Raised 4 boys, have 5 grandchildren. I am all for aging well. When my Mom turned 83, and was going to exercise class 3 times a week....I asked her what bit of wisdom she could give me on living my life. Her exact words were, "Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you want to do it, then do it."

  4. Age is so much the attitude, and keeping that child like enthusiasm thoughout life keeps us young. I sure agree with Penny !

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  6. I haven't read any of the books, they sound interesting. Did you see Dr. Oz on Oprah last week? He has a new book on aging too. I don't have any of his books either!

