Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Smile Award & More Thrifting

I visited Cynthia’s Springmont Cottage this afternoon, and what a gratifying surprise! She choose me among five to receive the Smile Award. This evening I will do some research and choose five bloggers to pass on the award.
Here are my choices for the Smile Award:
1. Wanda at Snapdragon Antiques who titles her blog "Excuse me While I buy this Junk." Nevertheless, she has very beautiful things in her china closets at home.
By the way, she would like help in finding a more edgy name for her antiques business.
2. Cathy at Treasured Heirlooms for the teacup and teapot wreaths and the darling pink Fairy Cottage.
3. Jenn Thorson of the Thrift Shop Romantic for articles on decorating your home with penny-pinching thrift.
4. Lydia Walshin of The Perfect Pantry for giving such a wealth of information on foods of all kinds and from many places:
5. Teresa of Plumwater Cottage for finding time to give neat glimpses of her busy life.

Again, Thanks Cynthia for choosing me for this award. It is an honor.

It is funny, because Cynthia pointed out that I make thrifty finds. Well that is just what I did today. In between errands this morning I stopped at the hospital guild thrift shop again. This time I spent a total of $6.30, including tax. Here is what I found:

The first item I spotted was in the window. The marked price was 25 cents. Well, from time to time the shop manager was complaining about a missing worker. When that worker came in bringing relatives visiting from Canada, she got a bit of a scolding for not calling herself and leaving a message that she would not be in. She had asked another worker to report for her.

Then came the question…. Showing her my wooden pedestal bowl, the manager asked, "Is this your handwriting?" "Well, I’m not sure,…it sort of looks like mine…" "Well that price is way off. This is worth much more than 25 cents!" As the bowl was put into a bag for me, all I could do was smile and mutter softly, "I guess it should be more…"

The first of the two wood racks, costing $1, will go in my bathroom after a coat of ivory paint.

The second wood rack cost $3 and should look nice in my kitchen. As with the other shelf, this one has a plate groove.

The small ivory china heart-shaped box with rose decoration cost 25 cents; the 50-cent square marble base which may be useful in my nativity displays; and the 50-cent crystal clear glass votive which matched two I already have from another thrift shop. The child’s book on the nativity story cost 20 cents.

Anyway, I left the shop smiling, and carried out my other errands.

I hope you had a fine day also.


  1. You always find the best deals! Congrats on the award!

  2. Wow, really good stuff! Congratulations on receiving the award!


  3. Thanks so much for the Smile Award -- it makes me smile, too! So glad you're enjoying my pantry.

  4. Carrie, I don't think I've thanked you properly for thinking of me with the Smile award yet, so....Thank you! And congratulations on getting it yourself!

    I love shelves with plate grooves. They're going to look good with a little paint.

  5. Yum! I love lentils. Can I come for supper? I'll bring the bread and dessert. Would apple pie be okay?

    :) LaTeaDah

  6. Those are just wonderfully thrifty treasures. I'm smiling for you, too. :) Can't wait to see how you use them in your home.
