Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Art of Giving and Gifting the Freecycle Way

A favorite among the large books kept in the living room at Oak Rise Cottage is The Art of Giving by Stuart E. Jacobson(Harry N. Abrams, 1987). This beautifully photographed book regales the reader with a variety of beautiful gifts, and pictures of the gift recipient and/or giver. The text provides insight into the meaning of the gift to the giver and receiver. It is truly a great read.

Some gifts are magnificient; some have more than a bit of whimsy. However, each is very well received.

The photos above show the custom-made monkeys and glass head of Beethoven this couple gave each other.

Today, I experienced another type of gift giving. Having joined just a few days ago, I posted my first two offers to the Freecycle Network yesterday evening around 6 p.m. I kept waiting to see the posts come up on the screen, but didn’t. So I logged off, and went about other matters. This afternoon I checked my e-mail to find nearly 30 requests for my two posts.

I contacted the first e-mailer and she came for the Kenmore sewing machine by 4 p.m. She was thrilled to get the machine, since hers had broken down just as she is redecorating her home. The second post, for a 19-inch TV/VCR, had almost as many requests as the sewing machine. Also, many of them indicated interest in the sewing machine as well as the TV!
The TV is scheduled for pickup tomorrow at 6 p.m.

A year ago I had seen a program on TV about the Freecycle movement. It seems to be a great way for people to give away things that they no longer need or want to those who welcome those items. In addition, it provides a forum for people to do ‘Wanted’ posts to let others know what their needs are. Here is their website:
The site states that “The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 4,136 groups with 3,936,000 members across the globe.”

Next Tuesday the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Greater Boston will be coming to my street to pick up clothing and household items. So this is another convenient way to dispose of useful but unneeded things around the house.

You may wish to see what venues your area has for gifting others with things they can use, but which are no longer of value to you.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful network! I spend alot of time buying in thrift stores, for my mosaic items like dishes, tables, etc. So I recycle that way. I also send all my unwanted items to Habitat for Humanity Resale stores....

    Great Post!
