Monday, July 20, 2009

Additional Thrifty Finds

Blue Monday is sponsored by our gracious Sally at Smiling Sally.
This post is also for Today’s Thrifty Treasures hosted by Rhoda at Southern Hospitality.

On a recent visit to my consignment shop I found a blue and white ceramic table lamp costing $2.38. I have placed it on the breakfast table, and turn it on when I want softer light in the kitchen than the bright ceiling lights. It is hooked up to an extension cord with an on-and-off switch on the floor, operated by one’s foot.
For now, a white shade has been borrowed from another lamp not in use, until I can buy a smaller, more suitable one.
This oval pressed glass platter was $4.75.
I like the pattern around the border,
and the starburst in the center. (The camera angle makes it look distorted.)

Another pineapple item for my collection is this crystal dish which cost $1.13. It can be used as a candy or nut dish.

This eight-piece set of ceramic shakers with tiny pink flowers and gilt tops cost $2.76. There are four individual salt and pepper sets.
These are vintage and are in their original box.
Last is a pretty blue tablecloth for a round table cost $1. I found this at one of the thrift shops in town.
It has pretty yellow tulips and green leaves.
It was nice to have you visit today. Do come again as soon as you can, and do leave a comment. I love to read your comments.
Enjoy more Blue Monday posts at Sally’s blog, Smiling Sally. Also, please visit Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for more thrifty treasures.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Private Botanic Garden

Visit Color Outside the Lines to enjoy more shared gardens.

On Sunday morning June 28 I had the pleasure to visit a fabulous home garden, which might better be called a private botanical garden. The gardener is a former co-worker of mine from the early 1980’s. She has been developing these gardens since retirement about five years ago. She said she began with the front yard and then continued aroound the sides and back and now there are plant beds all over. Upon arrival at the address one is astonished at the colors, fullness and variety of plantings.
View looking across from driveway.
A closer look at daisies and one of several bird baths.
The front of this bed is at the street and has 16 yellow daylilies.
The half acre property looks even more extensive with the various paths, arbors, and plethora of flowering and foliage plants, trees and shrubs.
The property is divided into about 13 garden areas.
The Secret Garden has flowering plants in pink, red and orange.

The Children’s Garden has whimsical objects and plants that appeal to the little ones.

The Hosta garden has some 60 to 70 hosta varieties.

A large tree provides shade for the hostas.
A tiny area is designated the Dogs’ Garden and there rest two family pets.

A Lily Border was established with bulbs given as a generous gift from a relative.

The Street Garden is along a pathway that goes from the street across to the edge of the property. Note how the many pathways are made of wood chips.

Throughout the gardens on can see delightful plants, like these red Double Knockout Roses.
Another red Knockout Rose is behind pink roses and near blue hydrangeas.
Pink and red Astilbe border the back of the house.
Many trees also give shade and provide vertical interest.

A weeping cherry with another bird bath nearby.
Near the side of the house two wooden barrels hold water plants.

There are quite a number of arbors arouond the property. The first leads around the house to the back yard is currently covered in a deep burgundy Clematis.

Another is of wrought iron with carved roses on it.
This arbor leads to the garden extension area. Nearby is an iron bistro set.
At the edge of the extension garden beautiful pink miniature gladiolus blooms.
This one is the entrance to Secret Garden.
Here is a row of four wooden bird houses. The one on the left needs repair and is tilting precariously on its tall pole. However, a growing bird family currently occupies it. Just beyond is the Secret Garden with more bird houses and also large bird feeders.

Another arbor leads to the Vegetable Garden.
The property abuts the back and side lawn of a former mansion, which has a row of towering evergreens as a border to and backdrop for the gardens. Another arbor leads to the back lawn of the mansion, which houses the English Department of the college where we worked.

In another post I will tell about collecting divisions from selected plants which my host dug up for me to use in my own garden.